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Becoming a Mum - What Do the New Mums Need to Know?

Jul 22

Becoming a mum comes with many different challenges. It is important that mums know all they can about the responsibilities of parenthood, both as a mom and as a mum. This includes breastfeeding, the birthing process, how to cope with an infant, the baby's sleeping patterns, feeding times, what to do if a baby has a serious accident, and more. Becoming a mother is no easy transition but can be one of the most rewarding experiences a woman can have. Here are some tips for being a mum.


Becoming a Mum - What Do the New Mums Need to Know?

Becoming a mum comes with many different challenges. It is important that mums know all they can about the responsibilities of parenthood, both as a mom and as a mum. This includes breastfeeding, the birthing process, how to cope with an infant, the baby's sleeping patterns, feeding times, what to do if a baby has a serious accident, and more. Becoming a mother is no easy transition but can be one of the most rewarding experiences a woman can have. Here are some tips for being a mum.



If you are considering becoming a mum then you should always be aware of your body's changing needs. Your body will need to adapt to the new baby, changes in your lifestyle, the arrival of your baby, etc. You may even experience symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, morning sickness, and headaches. Being prepared for these symptoms ahead of time can help make this transition less stressful for you and your baby.


When you are looking back at your first pregnancy then you will probably be surprised by the many changes in your body. It is important to remember that every time you breastfeed your baby will be getting their favourite food, plenty of milk, and plenty of vitamins. There is no substitute for breastfeeding but remember that your baby will need to eat lots of healthy foods as well. Take special care when deciding on formula milk because although it is usually cheaper there is often a greater chance of infants suffering with allergies or other health problems. Formula milk does not provide the nutrients your baby needs as easily as breast milk so be sure to always ask your doctor or lactation consultant before you decide to use formula.


Being a mum is going to change your life in many ways. When you give birth to your first baby you may be nervous and moody or even downright angry. It is important to remember that these feelings will pass and that as a mother you will soon get over them. As long as you are taking the opportunity to be together as a family, share experiences, laugh with each other and spend time as a family you will have a great time after the birth of your child. Try not to get too stressed out though and remind yourself that life is going to go on just fine.


You may feel your sleep habits have changed as well. When you were a teenager you could drink yourself senseless and get yourself into trouble, now as a mum you must look back on the time you spent asleep as enjoyable as possible. Making sure you have enough sleep and maintaining a good sleeping pattern are essential for you to feel rested when your baby is awake. Maintaining a good sleeping routine is the best way to get into the best shape mentally and physically for parenting your children.


When we are new parents, we find ourselves wondering what we should be doing, what is 'normal'. Well, having been a mum myself I know that once the baby is born you are a totally different person from the single parent, the responsibilities of being a parent can change all around. Your sleep patterns will need to be adjusted, you will have to make sure your baby is getting enough sleep and you have to be there for your newborn baby, it does not matter how many nappies or bottles of milk you fill them up with if your baby is crying and you cannot get him/her to calm down. So try to stay calm, take it easy and get some sleep!


The most important thing for new mothers is to remember that being a parent doesn't stop at birth, your role is still very much needed throughout your baby's early years. It is vital that you stay fit, take your medication (if any), give your baby plenty of nourishment, help around the house and above all support your partner as best you can. During the first few weeks after birth you will need to ensure your baby has got plenty of warmth and light. During this first few weeks you may even find it difficult to get back into shape if you haven't had any training in these areas.


During this time you will also need to start looking out for the other people who are going to be playing a major role in your baby's life. You and your partner should decide together where your baby will stay and when he/she will be visiting, during this period it is vital that everyone stay vigilant about their health. Your baby will need to have regular check-ups, if your partner has any concerns about anything occurring they should advise you so that you can keep an eye on things. Once you have given birth you will need to get back into shape, although you may feel a little overweight because you probably were a bit inactive during your pregnancy, this is totally normal and you should get back to what you were doing before your baby was born.